Posts by TonyCarter 3
I think I have found the perfect niche to create a new site for. Plenty of keywords with plenty of searches (and I mean plenty) and after putting the keywords through a few of my tools, definitely easy (ish) to rank for.There are lots of ClickBank products to affiliate sell for and I feel goooooood about it. In fact, so good that I have even purchased some stock images (first time ever) to use on the site and to create the perfect header with. I plan on extensively developing this new site and e
February 19, 2010
Having a review of all my sites to see which ones are prime candidates for affiliate marketing. Have two or three in mind now. Just have to figure out how I am going to set up the landing pages and if/how to implement email capturing (not something I have ever done)...
1 comment
February 17, 2010
Joining up for the second time. Going to give it a better shot this time round. One year on from last time and I consider myself more experienced in all things internet marketing, and one thing I have learned since last time round is that patience is a virtue...   (I actually wrote this in my buddy space - feel I right idiot after finding out I was actually posting a message to myself :) )