About TonyCarter
Joined February 2010
My name is Anthony Carter and I live in Kirkcaldy, which is a town in Fife on the east coast of Scotland. I have been dabbling in internet marketing for about three years now but have never really had any success in affiliate marketing - I have concentrated mainly on the AdSense side of things thus far. I do have a couple of affiliate ventures on the go at the moment, but I'm lucky if I make a sale every blue moon!

I was a member of Wealthy Affiliate a year or so ago, but if truth be told, I never really gave myself a chance - I was impatient! A year on (February 2010) I am back, a bit wiser, and willing to really give affiliate marketing a go again.

My main source of income is through article and content writing (working online) and over the last three years I have built up a respectable business, working from home with my wife assisting me (although she thinks she is the boss - probably true :) ).

I enjoy many things in life, although I don't profess to be able to enjoy all of them as much as I would like - reading, fishing, walking, watching football (soccer to all the Americans out there).
TonyCarter's Accomplishments

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Shorkie Premium
Welcome back to WA Tony!
TonyCarter Premium
Thanks very much indeed.
View578 Premium
Welcoming you here and wishing you the best.
TonyCarter Premium
Thank you.
bodovan Premium
Hi Anthony!

Welcome on board!!!
Let me know if you need anything to help you here or anything else...
You also are welcome to share any useful information if you want...
Talk to you soon...

Take care,
TonyCarter Premium
Thanks very much for the welcome Ivan.
PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome to WA!
PaintMeFancy Premium
Your Welcome!
TonyCarter Premium
Thanks very much :)
TonyCarter Premium
Joining up for the second time. Going to give it a better shot this time round. One year on from last time and I consider myself more experienced in all things internet marketing, and one thing I have learned since last time round is that patience is a virtue...