About TraceyC
Joined January 2010
IM opened up to me as a possibility when I started thinking about my new year's resolution to myself to bring a little more cash into my family's household budget. I see it as an opportunity to learn an additional money making skill as well as enjoying myself through writing (which I love!). My professional background is pretty far from this area so I'm also really enjoying being in a different environment with a different way of going about things.

I figure the things I have going for me to be successful is a lot of experience in research, a pretty deft hand at writing, a strong desire to learn and a hard working streak that doesn't let up until I've mastered what I set out to do. I do worry sometimes about my tendency to spread my interests too thin ;-) but hopefully this program will keep me focused.

I live in Sydney, Australia, and am married with two children and my family is by far my greatest ever achievement. If anything they are also my greatest inspiration for trying something like this because they give me strength and confidence in looking at the world in different ways and taking on new challenges. The whole point of even pursuing something like this is for me, the possibility of spending more quality time with my family.
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bodovan Premium
Hi Tracey!

Welcome on board!!!
Let me know if you need anything to help you here or anything else...
You also are welcome to share any useful information if you want...
Talk to you soon...

Take care,
TraceyC Premium
Thanks Ivan! I am SURE there will be questions along the way but currently plodding along and digesting what I'm learning. Thanks again and cheers for the welcome-I appreciate it!
PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome to WA!
TraceyC Premium
Cheers guys and thanks for the welcome! Am loving the friendly vibe in here-very reassuring for me that I've probably spent my money well :-).
Would like to part with some gold as thank you for my welcome but unsure how to divide it?
Abnerfer, I'm taking from your welcome that I have a fellow aussie on board? ;-)
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
Abnerfer Premium
Welcome mate!