and so it begins....

Last Update: January 30, 2010

Well...I'm here and rearing to go!

One of my new year's resolutions this year was to actively work towards developing an online business of some sort that would enable me to make use of my past work experience and qualifications as well as, hopefully :-), contributing a few extra dollars along the way to my family household budget.

IM certainly appealed to me because it is just SO broad and, as someone who has a broad range of interests, loves learning and loves writing I figured it fit the bill as a place for me to wet my toes. I came across WA after waaaay too long researching all of the (mostly) dodgy affiliate marketers and their programs online. I haven't yet put down my BS detector (I am a very suspicious, cynical person) but am relieved that they don't at least offer something for nothing and that hard work is continually mentioned as a means to success.

As far as time allocation to this new pursuit, I have somehow managed to wrangle a few spare days this year through a combination of reorganising my work hours (to do night shifts) as well as putting my little one (now two and half years old) in care for a couple of days.  It actually feels good to be putting my spare time from parenting and my work into something for me that involves learning and extending myself...I think parents and in fact lots of mothers sometimes forget about that in the craziness and all consuming nature that is the world of children and family.

Anyway, as I said, first day in and just familiarising myself at present.  I'm pleased with the option of a blog so I at least have some form of a written record to detail my journey. I've had a brief squizz at the forum and read Jennifer's (PotPieGirl) post and feel quite inspired.  I've also signed up for an account at Clickbank but intend on learning a bit more (well maybe a lot more) before I go any further.  I also have my eye on a few interesting products there that I'm jotting down notes and ideas on for a possible campaign at some point.  Most of all I'm giving myself a pat on the back and congratulating myself for getting onto this now rather than sometime down the track.

Looking forward to meeting other members around and about too and learning from them. Alright then, back into it I guess.....


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