Posts by Traykor 15
August 12, 2012
I'm going to post this again from scratch as I'm not quite hip on how the new system works. I think when I updated it, nobody new sees that update? Anyway here it is.Anyone in or around Seattle that would like to meet up sometime. Do a little IM chat over coffee or something.Jesse
The weekend of September 16th is my one year anniversary. I'd like to take the clipper to Victoria that Friday night and return on Tuesday. I'm interested if you guys or anyone else that's been there has any ideas of some really romantic places to visit or things to do. Know of a really nice restaurant with a view? Is there a walking path in the evenings that's beautiful? Have some bad ass connection that might lead to something a woman would love?Think girl here!Thanks in advanc
August 06, 2012
I now have 13 sites of which eight were built to make money (the others are test beds). Of those 13, seven rank on page 1. Now don't get to excited, a handful of those rank at the very bottom and don't get much traffic yet. I've got my process down to rank on page one, but still working the kinks out to rank top five and I'm getting closer each day. So far this month (six days) I've got more traffic coming in than I normally get in two or three weeks, so things are looking up
I'd like to rebuild a site of mine onto a new domain that has taken a pretty big hit for paid back-links. This was one of my first larger sites from about a year ago and I was testing out (for learning purposes) the affect of different styles of back-links.I'd like to create a new domain and rebuild the site much differently but with the same content as the old site. What is the best way to do this without being hit for duplicate content?I was thinking:1. Kill the site and wait for the c
June 20, 2012
It's been almost a year since I re-joined and I've been at this non stop. My goal was to meet some short term action items and then take a two week break while everything just marinates and today I wrapped that up. It pretty much included one new squidoo article for testing, updating content on all my sites, and getting out and being social online about them all.I now have 10 sites, most of which were just getting a feel and improving my skills. I got hit by penguin pretty hard on both o
I've been noticing ever since Penguin that many of my sites are bouncing around like crazy between pages 1 - 6. Everyday I have pages ranking way differently then they were the day before. I'll notice a forum that ranked higher than mine one day, and then the next the forum isn't to be found 10 pages deep and all of a sudden mine is on page one. The next day mine will be page 6 and I'll see forums, youtube videos, and random blogs ranking.Anyone else notice their sites just rocki
After speaking with a lawyer, even though I'm not directly in violation of trademark infringement laws yet, I will as soon as an affiliate link goes up and traffic starts flowing in.With that said, I will transfer the domain to them and need advice on the best way to transfer the content. I have a domain in mind, but are there any redirects that I need to do or anything like that?I was basiclly just going to cut my content out, close the domain, and add it to the new domain. I'm aware I&
Today I received this email..Plantronics, Inc. (“Plantronics”) is the world's leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of communications headset products. We are the owner of several United States trademark registrations for the PLANTRONICS trademark, including U.S. Registration No. 1020399, registered September 16, 1975. This registration has been in full effect for over 36 years and long ago achieved incontestable status. Plantronics has exceptionally strong rights in this
June 02, 2012
Is there any way to tell when a squidoo page was published that inst your own? I can find out when it was indexed, but can't seam to find when it was published.Jesse
May 31, 2012
I'm thinking of putting a group together to meet up every once in a while. If you live near Seattle and would be interested in meeting up for coffee and talking about IM, let me know. If I can get a few then I'll schedule something. =)Thanks,Jesse