Taking Two Weeks Off! =)

Last Update: June 20, 2012
It's been almost a year since I re-joined and I've been at this non stop. My goal was to meet some short term action items and then take a two week break while everything just marinates and today I wrapped that up. It pretty much included one new squidoo article for testing, updating content on all my sites, and getting out and being social online about them all.

I now have 10 sites, most of which were just getting a feel and improving my skills. I got hit by penguin pretty hard on both of my larger money makers, learned from it, made some changes, and will see how it all pans out.

When I come back, my methods will be changing. I do have a few large content sites, but most I have are smaller sites. I'll be leaning more towards lots of content and targeting keywords that are well under 400 exact. I've also got a big project in mind for an authority site that I'll be chatting with friends and family about. =)

I earn an average of about 100.00 a month, which isn't much but hey I'm still learning! =)

With that said, see you all in a couple week! =)

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Alam Premium
$100 per month is a very good amount in internet marketing world. plenty of people don't even make that.. and that's true.. you are doing very good with $100 per month..
Carson Premium Plus
clarkmanning Premium
I'm a newb. I wish I were making $100.00 a month. I will be ecstatic when I make my first Fifty cents !!
veronica.l Premium
Jesse, are you doing anything special, anything fun or just taking a break :) awesome that you reached the goals you were setting up for yourself. Enjoy the break!
traykor Premium
I'm the kinda guy that stresses out over dirty dishes, weeds in the lawn, lacking a little as a husband... that kind of thing. So these two weeks I am focusing on house stuff, ensuring dinner and coffee is made for my wife before she heads to work, and getting the yard up to speed. Other than that I'll be gaming and doing a little bass fishing. Maybe a little golf if I can squeeze it in. =)
Shawn Martin Premium
Enjoy the time off!