Mind Expansion - Cold Turkey

Last Update: September 02, 2010

I'm not so sure this belongs in a blog or a forum, so here goes:

 Since I made up my mind to pursue WA in earnest, restarting the Action Plan training, and taking advantage of all the PoltPieGirl resources, including one week marketing, my biggest hangup is finding a niche.   I was  a beancounter for 30 years--- while I'd been a successful accountant, I think I'm having to reinvent my accountant mindset (nitpicking over every detail, thinking of 20 reasons it won't work for me - "better to err on the side of caution," my old boss used to say) to allow room for more possibility thinking.

And I'm just now waking up to the fact  that I need to participate more, and interact with others in here.  

Just last night when I took a little break, II noticed one of the newest members was about my age;  that encouraged me, and I wrote him a note wishing him well.

 Right now my head is spinning ---  at least I've the nerve to stave off every guru (and said guru's affiliates!).

Have a great day, and God bless.




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unclbill Premium
Thanks for the encouragement. I've buddied up with a couple guys settling into learning online marketing; both are semi-retired - say my age or so.
jatdebeaune Premium
You have the freedom now to take chances. The nitpicking will come in handy for research. But just remember, if the niche you choose doesn't bear fruit, then you can always try another one at little to no cost.
Sherion Premium
Hi and there are people of all ages here. Just look at profile pic! I think we all have to participate here so that we can build buddies and a support system. There are so many willing to help. Best Wishes to You.