Is This Beast too Big to Take On? Need Your Help.

Last Update: August 11, 2012
Finally I have decided to take on one of my big passions and interest when it comes to IM – family travels, is this beast too big to take on though and where do I start? Would appreciate your help answering my one question below.

I love to travel and before I had kids and got into IM I was working in the travel industry. I was working for a successful company in Sweden that was specialized in travels to the South Pacific, Australia and New Zeeland. And yes we ”had” to go to these destinations on biz to check things out so we knew what we were selling, those where the tough days at work laying on the beach in Fiji lol.

Anyway, I am now ready to take on the big ”beast” of traveling, but are trying to figure out the direction I want to take the site. I know that the site will be focusing on family travels, tips and ideas on traveling with your kids, but need to figure out how deep down in the niche I want my site to start out.


When you book/search for your trips and travels, what kind of travel site do you like to visit?

1. A general travel site that offers everything

2. A site that is specific to the country that I am going, say US

3. A site that is very targeted to the area I am going, say Florida

4. A site that is dealing only with the destination, say Disney world

5. A site that is dealing with the special events at a destination, say accommadation at Disney world or park tickets at Disney world.

I realize that this is kind of the ”buying” circle we go through when we book travels, eventually we will end up at number 5. I am trying to figure out where to jump on the train :) and what my final destination will be.

I would appreciate any input on your travel searching/booking habits.

Thanks for your help,


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Hudson Premium
Hi Veronica, firstly great idea and I am sure with your background you will do very well. My thoughts are that at some time I might want all of the items 1 to 5 above so a menu where I can pick off what I need at that time would be very helpfull. One other thing I like to create my type of travel package rather than accepting the nearest thing being offerred if that makes sense, so if that capability is included then it would be terrific,


veronica.l Premium
Thanks for your input Hudson.

I like to create my own itinerary and trips as well, one thing that I was thinking to add is, suggested itineraries that you can add your own touch too depending what direction I take the site.

Thanks Hudson,
DABK Premium
"Golf trips for families, beach trips for families, adventure parks for families"

Now, you're talking, boss!
veronica.l Premium
Think I am getting closer to where I want to go :) yes.

This would stand out more than a destination site, plus the interest would make people more social on the site as well, thinking participate in forum or chat, leave reviews, stuff like that.

Thanks for your help :)
WayneBPK Premium
Are you trying to do an affiliate site or an e-commerce situation?
veronica.l Premium
This will be an affiliate site, possible having advertisers in the future... Depending on what direction I take the site, I will then decide how to best monetize the site...
DABK Premium
Hi, Veronica

You're leaving out some options:

family vacations with kids, being one of them. For singles, for ... orbitz has some great ideas: Click on ideas and it will give you 12 (I'm assuming it's based on how people have used Orbitz). Romantic is a good one...

1. I'd stay away from this... need lots of resources to make it work (of course, you could start such a website, develop a niche, then add another niche when the 1st one is going good... but I think it would take longer... even with subdomains).

2. This could be good... if you narrowed it some more, as in traveling to the USA for star treck fans... Would work nicely if you were in France and were offering the site to French star treck fans

3. Better, especially if you, then, have sections/pages for different niches... parents with children, wild-life people, fishing people

4. Very good... if you find a desirable enough destination that's not too competitive, or a twist... I can't think of a twist... but I don't think much about Disney World... Maybe Disney World Package Tours for middle school groups

5. Yes... See 4.
veronica.l Premium
Thanks a lot for your input.

The travel industry is huge. I do alot of traveling with kids myself that is why I will go this rout... there are a bunch of other good ones out there like you mention, romantic, honeymoon, single trips...

the traveling with kids niche can be broken down in, interests, age groups, destinations...

Just thought of another idea, maybe I should pick an interest and focus on that. Golf trips for families, beach trips for families, adventure parks for families... instead of focusing too much on the destination.

Hmmm have to give that some thought, thanks for your help,
