About Victoria Marie
Joined July 2011
I just launched my health & fitness website and am hoping to monetize it (http://primalhealthyfit.com). I just graduated with a BBA in Marketing from SMU/COX in Dallas, TX. I currently live in Akumal, Mexico, as somewhat of a house-wife without the wife part... I feel very motivated to find a way to work from home and add to my fiance's income (he is the Executive Chef at the resort where I get to LIVE! woot!), and this seems to be a very logical path for me. I have always been internet-saavy, but only from my grandmother's perspective. I don't have any knowledge of the technical aspects of the internet or how to "wire-frame" anything but a model of Godzilla made out of paperclips. I hope to find a community here, and I know I can bring persistence and passion to WA!
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Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME to the WA community!
Glad to have you here! :)
LeeCop Premium
Welcome to WA - A small place filled full of like minded people ..
Victoria Marie Premium
Thanks LeeCop, it's nice to feel so welcomed already!
schalkl Premium
Welcome to WA Victoria. You already bring the most important attributes, namely persistence and passion. All the other things can be learned, and there are people here who are knowledgeable in all areas. Don't hesitate to ask when you get stuck, and don't feel overwhelmed by the massive amount of information that's available here.
Pobman Premium
you get to live in a holiday resort... well... I think its best I dont say anything else!!!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family