Not a Productive Day

Last Update: July 30, 2011

 Didn't get much done today here... and am behind a day with the 30 day plan. I am an overachiever, a suck up, kiss ass, perfectionist, and lack patience (and also honest... wanna be my friend? hahaha). I am in Dallas because my Dad is in the hospital so I have been there for around 8 hours a day for the last week. Luckily he is coming home on Monday and I am flying back to Mexico on Friday. I am hoping that after this stressful and emotionally trying time that the Caribbean beaches will bring me some peace and provide some good solid time to work and focus on my new, exciting, soon-to-be career! (positive affirmations...)


I am happy to be welcomed by so many people already, and can't wait to keep working on my site and learning to be the best affiliate marketer I can. I love money, and I love success... but more than anything I simply want to feel like a contributing member of my little "familia" (2 cats, a dog, and a Mexican boyfriend), and of society (I want to run a very clean, honest, no BS health and fitness site). Thank you to everyone here for all the support!

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jatdebeaune Premium
You have a good attitude. Wish you the best. Hope your dad's feeling better.