
Last Update: March 07, 2011

So, am I on the right track? Did I finish? Is it right? How will this make money? Too many questions.

I spent all day working on the 30-Day Success Club - and still feel a bit lost. I do trust that everything will make sense, BUT, I still worry, wonder and question my actions.

On to Day 4 - and working to just stay focused. As Dory says in Little Nemo - Just Keep Swimming!

Keeping life in balance.

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onefineham Premium
Keep working, keep thinking, keep learning, keep growing.
webkab Premium
Now go up to the Wabinars and look at the affiliate walk throughs by jay
cjlperson1 Premium
Hello Wanda! We are in the same boat and I know how you feel so I added you as a buddy. Maybe we can help each other along the way??