About WandaD
Joined June 2008
Hi folks! I'm Wanda from Washington. At least I'm not from Walla Walla!

I have been thinking about trying this whole "Internet thing" (insert old-woman voice) for awhile now. I even signed up a couple of years ago and then cancelled. It's been on my heart and mind and finally jumped back in!

I work full-time as a "Just Ask Wanda To Do It" expert. Because I pretty much always say "yes," I've found myself in charge of HR, Marketing Coordinator, Database Trainer, and Person In Charge of Forms and Manuals (exciting, huh?). I also manage the websites for the company and probably do a lot more than I can remember now.

I'm looking forward to the day when I can resign, and spend time with my wonderful husband. I know it won't happen without taking action, so I'm taking the steps - baby steps to be sure - but progress.

Do no harm.
WandaD's Accomplishments

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wandah Premium
Now you have a smile that would embrace the world. Nice to meet you. Are you a LEO also. /
so how are things going for you?
WandaD Premium
Hi Wanda - I'm a well-established Libra actually! I'm trying to keep my head above the water at the moment. Started the 30-Day Success Club and hoping that it'll start to make a little more sense soon!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
WandaD Premium
Thank you!
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Wanda,
Welcome to WA and happy learning. If you get stuck somewhere just ask.
shannonno1 Premium
hello i'm jerry johnson and I just wanted to wish you a warm welcome to W.A. This place is pretty cool and i'm sure you will succeed because you joined W.A. Again keep that dream in your heart and I wish you all the success in the world. ps. Calm Sea's Ahead mate...........the old chief
hassejamal Premium