It's hitting again

Last Update: April 19, 2010

I am depressed, discouraged and dissapointed. I know it hasn't really been a month yet, but I am ready to get out of my situation. I am ready for financial freedom. I am already broke. I have to borrow money form my parents to get through this wekk and I really don't like doing that. I'd like to look in my bank account and know that I have at least a couple hundred in there. OH IT'S SO DEPRESSING.

But I am not giving up. This is not a giving up post by any means. Just venting... need a place to vent right, might as well do it where people can understand where I am coming from... I know that there is success for me down the road. I am claiming that. But right now, it just looks like a dark and gloomy road.

En fin, it will get better. I hope sooner than later....

I'm signing out... going to bed. :(

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feefers Premium
Hey girl. I haven't been active in forums or posting because I've had my head in my books and working, but I wanted to check up on you and see how things are going. Ok, so I'm a bit late in checking and I hope it's not too late and you havent dropped out. You can do this. Lots of people can help (even me! Maybe especially me as we started around the same time.)
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi, The guys who commented here are right. People will help you. I know you have to express your frustration. But then you have to change your mind and focus on what you are creating. This I am sharing with you and certainly am not lecturing because it's a discipline I'm learning myself. Challenge. Success to you!
idm Premium
If you're struggling with something just let it out here and more than likely someone will try to help. It happens to most of us.
martinact420 Premium
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