Last Update: March 28, 2010

I am starting to get ovewhelmed. I don't know where start and where to end. I find myself going from one training to the next and just skipping around and not finishing one training before moving on to the next one. WHAT IS GOING ON!! I think I'll take a break. Anyone got some advice as to how to de-overwhelm myself, I would surely appreciate it. My head hurts, I'm going to lie down for a while.


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jlandry Premium
Been there done that we all go through it just hang on for the ride it may get bumpy.
After almost 3 months of reading, doing, trying, failing and picking up and doing again it got so exhausting that I just put it all down for a couple of weeks and let all the information marinate and just hang out with the kids. But since I've been back It's all making sense now.
My best advice is don't quit it will get better I survive by this little saying "Do something today that you didn't do yesterday and tomorrow will be different"
klrrider Premium
Hey... when I get overwhelmed I take a break and play "Worms Armageddon" ... some how knock'en them little dudes in the water and hearing another "you had it com'en" just cracks me up! About an hour and I am ready to go again... ;-)
idm Premium
I wish I had a one-size-fits-all answer for this problem, but everybody's different and brings something different to the table.

I think the best way to get through this stage is to have a conversation with someone who understands it. You already started the conversation by blogging so you're still on the right track. It might be time to just do something, anything other than reading. :)
MykellaPrince Premium
Hey there Watchutalkinbout ~ I know exactly what you mean about getting overwhelmed! I had to take the weekend off and rest my mind. It is a lot to take in, but it's totally worth every second of it =] or at least it will be in the long run! ttyl ~ Mykella
jatdebeaune Premium
Everybody suffers from "overwhelm" in the beginning. I still suffer from it. After you have read enough to get a feel for what this is all about, the best step forward is the simplest step. Follow a very easy system, and stick with it until you get results. Read potpiegirl's tutorials here in the Training Center. Or, you might look at Evolution of a Sale (EOS) from Mike and Pete. You have to place some limits on your techniques in the beginning, otherwise it's like trying to swallow a hamburger in one bite.