It's An Emotional Roller Coaster!

Last Update: May 08, 2010

This IM thing has been a huge emotional roller coaster for me. Is that normal?

 I am not usually an overly emotional guy. Steady, even keeled, or unflappable have been used to describe me.

But working in IM has tested my nature. 

When I have the occasional sale or learn and implement something new, I am filled with such joy and anticipation. Especially remember that first sale back in Nov of '08. I was running around the room high 5ing everyone there. That was a Clickbank product. 

When my first web page went live or when I sold my first "real" product that was a big celebration too. Excitement about what might be kept me working late into the night many times.

Then on the other hand the disappointments are just as low as the highs are high. Seeing no sales for a week or more after they've been coming regular, articles that were productive slow down to barely a dribble or your PPC test fails miserably can temporarily take the wind from your sales.

The toughest for me is when I think I have figured something out only to question myself on that same subject later.

Yes, it is an emotional roller coaster. But that doesn't make it a bad thing. Just how it is when you're learning new things.

I love the learning, the good emotions and the successes. I love the possibilities, the idea of the IM lifestyle and the secure, comfortable retirement .

It is worth it. All good things require effort and patience. I have that too.


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jatdebeaune Premium
Hahaha. It sure is unique.