Celebrating 50,000+ EZA Views

Last Update: March 22, 2011

There it is a super milestone for me. I now have exceeded 50,000 views at EZA!!!

http://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wap/49194/images/Saved Screen ShotsSP32-20110316-191152.gif" height="240" width="402" />

I have been watching patiently for a while now and this morning there it was. 

While I am happy the views are there what is more important are the click-thrus. An overall 13.6% is not bad but not that great either.

Thanks for sharing my excitement

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wandah Premium
This is great. It would be great to know how your conversions are . I am always told this is a numbers game. Your numbers look pretty darn good.
Devan Premium
Way to go! Congrats!
jatdebeaune Premium
Wow! Fantastic Wayne! Kudos!
Labman_1 Premium
Congrats, hope some of those were conversions.
Alex Copeland Premium
Awesome man, stoked for you! :)