Traffic - IMs Holy Grail

Last Update: May 02, 2011

The Holy Grail is one of those things that we all know existed at one point, but has never been found. Unless it exist in someone's secret private collection it may never be found.

Mystery has surrounded it for centuries now. What if it still exist? Could it still be found? Think of the wealth it would bring the finder?

For those of us in the IM field traffic is our version of the Holy Grail. We work hard to find that mysterious thing called "traffic". We write articles and build backlinks galore or pay the PPC piper big time all in the hope of finding that always elusive "traffic".

You may feel like it can't be found or doesn't really exist. Is it just a myth?

No it is not. It is real. 

We have to do the right kind of work and like the treasure hunter be relentless in our pursuit. But it does exist and your effort will pay off.

Keep pressing forward friends.

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stadium Premium
What you don't read in the bible is Jesus actually produced offspring. You don't read this in the bible because it was decided by the church of roman not to include certain books in the biblical canon. Such as the book of enoch, the book of jubilees, the book of mary, the letter of clement, the didache. Many others. The books excluded, contain information on what they don't want you to know. Do you know adam and eve had more children than just cain and able? And do you know these child reproduced with each other, totally left out of the bible.
stadium Premium
The holy grail might be the bloodline of jesus not an actual cup
jatdebeaune Premium
I'm forcing myself to take the steps and not look every day. Put the energy out and trust, then look.
Labman_1 Premium
I found it briefly. It was on page one.