Time for a Reality Check

Last Update: April 15, 2010

I am just wondering if anyone could give me some feedback, advice or help with my IM efforts.

I have been on the this project for some time now. I have built some websites, add pages of content, built a blog, etc. etc....all in the golf niche.

While I get a few Adsense clicks a day, I get precious few sales. Nothing consistent or that I can see a trend worth pursuing. 

I have that "I must be missing something" feeling more frequently now. Don't care for that feeling very much.  I am hoping that either you can help realize its not true or figure out just what it is that I am missing so I can fix it.

Check out my work if you would and be blunt and honest with any criticism that would help me improve.  I keep pounding away...but I don't see the kind of return anywhere near what I expect.

Here are the sites:  Dooley Duffer Golf & My Let's Break 80 Golf Journal

And here is my EZA list: of articles (112 now): http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Wayne_Hudler

Know that I appreciate any comments/help you might bring to the table. I need to know that I am not just wasting time.

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magistudio Premium Plus
* get analytics set-up on your site
* change the page title of your home page
* internal links are opening in a new window
* there's no real call to action for each of the pages