Where has all the traffic gone?

Last Update: July 21, 2010

Need some buddy advice please.

Ok, something is very different now. Google traffic to my sites is way off since 7/13.  Down over 80% to just a trickle.

I figure it is either the Google conversion to the Cafeine index process or the migration of the hosting servers here at WA.

At first I thought it was the Google conversion but research indicates that it occurred back in June. Have been noticing the more frequent visit of the Google bot.

So I suspect that the migration of my sites from the old servers to the new ones which probably occurred around the 12th is the problem.

Do you agree? I don't really know but that is my best guess?

Any other ideas? How do I respond? patience or action?  what action?

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smadronia Premium
Are you still indexed by google? that would be my first thought, is that they dropped you from their index.
PotPieGirl Premium
Is your site still indexed in Google? Have your rankings in Google changed? This would be a big indicator of what's going on. Caffeine started rolling out in early June...but before that was something that others are calling "The MayDay Update". This update/algo change seemed to really hurt sites that counted on really long-tail traffic terms from a Google search. I, personally, think it had more to do with changing the index over to the "new" one, but that's another story for another time.

First thing to do when this happens (a major traffic drop) is analyze where you aren't getting traffic from anymore. If it's Google organic search, look and see how your site is ranking now compared to how it was before the change in traffic.

Wayne Hudler Premium
I have over 125 articles at EZA alone as well as multiple other directories. I am still getting article traffic,

Anything else?
DABK Premium
Google caffeine likes traffic. Get an article published, in many places. Or many articles. Send some traffic over. Or buy some traffic. The change to the new server should not be affecting your position in Google. Even with the glitches, it didn't last that long, besides, it's been done for a few days.
I'm out of 2 cents now.
DABK Premium
Google caffeine likes traffic. Get an article published, in many places. Or many articles. Send some traffic over. Or buy some traffic. The change to the new server should not be affecting your position in Google. Even with the glitches, it didn't last that long, besides, it's been done for a few days.
I'm out of 2 cents now.