Bit of advice please :)

Last Update: May 08, 2012

It a while but I'm still around. Totally immersed myself into getting the e-commerce site up and live. It will happen tomorrow, but I have run into an issue that needs a fix. I have email hosted at Rackspace, and they frown on bulk mail. Only have one approved vendor called iContacts.

Im good with this, but have roughly 1200 current clients that I need to let know whats happening (switching from a brick & mortar to an e-commerce situation). Plan on dropping a mass blast out tomorrow just letting them know the timetable and transition period, then several follow-ups promoting the new program and such. 

The trouble I'm having is I have no Op-in lost because these were just local clients (or seasonal) and we either spoke to them when they came into the clinic or just called. Any ideas on how I can get several bulk mail pops out ranging anywhere from 300 to 1200 in amounts that is not going to get my accounts locked??

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