Almost home!!

Last Update: July 27, 2012
Hi all

Just need a tad more help. Got some really awesome info last time and this is the LAST video that I need to finish before the site can go live!! So if I could bother you all once again for your input. I tried to revise the presentation video 3 times, then asked you all and took down notes over a day, and reworked it fine so I am trying it once again.

Hopefully Ill be able to put together some training on how to integrate videos onto a website, video blogging, and using videos for your funnels and CtA's soon!

Thanks in advance and please dont hurt me too much!! Ok, lay into me but atleast smile while your doing it!


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Deezdz Premium
Hey Wayne. In my opinion the Vid is really well done! The information is great, easy to follow and understand, all very relevant and held my interest from start to finish. The only "critique" I would have is what yessharon commented below in regards to Becky's voice. I thought it was my computer seeing as I had umpteen windows/programs on the go, but apparently not. Aside from that....FABULOUS!!!
WayneBPK Premium
Thanks for the input .. I have mostly fixed that issue!!
yessharon Premium
On my computer Becky's voice did not match her lips. Do you plan to add your www. info on the video? I like the product you are promoting.
WayneBPK Premium
That timing issue is huge at this point and seems to be worse on some peoples comp's. All will be done and out hopefully by Monday or Tuesday with the BND info and all funnels in place. Thanks for the comment!
Shawn Martin Premium
Brand new machine here Wayne and the voice is way off.
Hmm. Can't open link and unable to copy from phone.
WayneBPK Premium
G+ me from your tablet then .. I dont see you online.