Day 12 .. Getting real

Last Update: April 14, 2012

Thinking I need to take a deep breath here. I'm taking notes and have an idea of what direction I want to go, but am going to do it after I finish my initial training and decided to do the 30 Day Challenge on SA. Jays case studies are awesome but they go at a different pace then the 30 Day Training so I'm getting info from there that is just now starting to come up. Heard Jay mention something yesterday about fixing all the links to the little videos and THAT would be cool. Id just focus there and get training knocked out.

Having trouble getting published on our first site. I have the website done and is a work in progress, waiting for approval from the affiliate that Becky likes, and have several articles printed. Ive scheduled time to slowly tighten up and update the site, and have gotten several awesome ideas from everyone on how to make it more guy friendly and even offer some true insight.  Its something she is extremely passionate about and has several articles already done, but for the love of god can anyone explain to me why I have had every article I submitted published and up on a subject that I would rather RUN from, but a woman with 3 doctoral level degrees in subjects encompassing her niche cant?!? I put her in time-out and told her that she had to do the 30 Day Challenge .. then ran of course.

I'm extremely organized and have structured out a plan for the next 90 days and set the bar kinda high (at least in my limited view atm - I even left the island so I could focus on this full-time). Didn't think article writing would have thrown up a roadblock, but until we understand how to write articles that have true impact and are compelling enough for a person to want more AND fit all criteria I guess nothing else really matters, and the damn draft is now 12 days away!!! UGH!!! Probably gonna have to push that idea off to mini-camps:p


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I know the second video in the series goes a little too fast, but much of the same material there has been gone over in previous weeks (not too long ago) in a much slower pace. For example, Schema (mark-up tool) is almost impossible to follow due to the resolution and pace in which he went over it in the second video of the case study . I was able to go through the steps in the older video for Schema and another tool that helps a person set up their schemas. (can't think of the name of the program right now)

I have not yet been in Vid 3 because the work for Vid 2 is not yet finished
TonyaWells Premium
Hi Wayne!
Take a deep breath. You seem to be doing great and it's awesome that you have such a well thought out plan. I'm sure things will come together just fine :)