My Day 8

Last Update: April 09, 2012

Got BLASTED for the holiday. Always nice to be busy but wish I could have spent more time here. I am probably going to adjust some things around and start spending less time on the water. Its fun but not going to ultimately get me where I want. Got the content for my first site all in, but man does it look awful. I'll redo day 3 and 4 and probably watch the WAbinars again today, and go back and tweak it some and hopeful have something for tonight.

Still confused as to how the money actually flows, so goals are a bit iffy at the moment because its hard to quantify what you really don't know. I ultimately have long-term goals in place and will just focus on niche and WA Affiliate stuff for the next 90 days until I get a better understanding of how things work. I'm going to focus here now:

- 5 sites generating $500.00 a month

- ongoing WA affiliate campaign generating 200 new invites a month, maintaining 100 active affiliates

One thing Ive been playing with is maybe trying to put together a 10 Day Getting Started program that would coincide with the free invite. Try to make it less intense but create enough value for a person to take the next step.


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TonyaWells Premium
Its good that you have your financial goals set already. I have not done that yet! I'm just getting started on the link wheel! Kudos to you!
mcman187 Premium
sounds like you're doing good and making progress I look forward to seeing how your sites look. I wish i could be in the water, I live in Ohio and the weather pretty much sucks here.
TonyaWells Premium
I'm in Detroit and our weather sucks too!
Praise Premium
Putting together a 10 Day Getting Started program is a good idea!