About Weathergirl
Joined January 2010
In my "real life"--that being the life that pays the bills for the time being--I'm a speechwriter for a national trade association. I truly love it...but...(and there is always a but) I'd give my right arm to have an office where I could bury my feet in the sand.

I'm 38, unmarried, without kids...simply put: I am what southern mothers fear most for their daughters--well on my way to becoming an old lady with cats. (Only I'm allergic to cats so even that doesn't work). Of course you wouldn't know any of those things if you read my IM bios.

I believe that laughter is really the best medicine. I cook to unwind and I need to unwind more.

That's really the long and short of it.

I look forward to using this as an opportunity to defrost my brain, read until my eyes cross, and make enough money that I can do all of those things...more often.
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buta2008 Premium
Welcome. All the best.
bodovan Premium

Welcome on board!!!
Let me know if you need anything to help you here or anything else...
You also are welcome to share any useful information if you want...
Talk to you soon...

Take care,
PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome to WA!
music_mom30 Premium
zeroprivacy Premium

Welcome at the WA University!
