Posts by Weathergirl 3
March 09, 2010
My journey to WA is the stuff mini-series are made of.  If you would have asked me a year ago if I'd be here...doing affiliate marketing, chances are, I probably would have given you an emphatic "NO".  Nothing against it.  Fact is, I didn't even really know what it was. I thought the ads on webpages were sponsorships.  And no, I'm not kidding. That's not to say I didn't know my way around the internet.  I had a blog before blogs were cool.  Back when they
February 24, 2010
This week has been a little crazy with my 9-5--scripts to write, members in town, last minute forest fires to extinguish... All that really means is I haven't had as much time as I would have liked to work on IM.  I knew the week was going to be a little crazy so I decided a little outsourcing might be in order. (Gotta keep the train moving or it'll never make it up the hill!) During my daily dose of PotPieGirl, I ran across a link to an article service called
February 17, 2010
I'm on my third week here at wealthy affiliate and all I can really say is...WOW. I don't think I've learned this much since college...and that was...well, quite a long time ago. (Thankfully, I don't look my age). To recap it all: Week 1:  Does the term "whirling dervish" mean anything to you?  I went from WA new member to clickbank junkie overnight.  After one hour of membership I was convinced I could sell a business suit  to a surfer--whi
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