Last Update: June 07, 2012
Alright, I wrote my first article. I haven't posted it yet on StreetArticles, because my website is not up to par or quite finished. But, I'm extremely proud of myself considering my time constraints. Thanks for all the inspiration all of you are. I've spent a couple minutes browsing the forums, since I'm a member now, and been reading ya'lls success stories. Great reads, and they keep me going. I'm also learning so much. Anyways, I'll keep you posted.
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veronica.l Premium
Awesome the first one is the hardest :) Great job a big step!
Carson Premium Plus
kyle Premium Plus
Congrats! This is really a key part of the process and the sooner you can figure this aspect out, the sooner you will see your campaigns scale and grow! Onwards and upwards... ;)
ClickChick Premium
Yay! It feels great doesn't it. I have published my first article, just waiting for it's approval.
I just got the "Bones" of my website up, enough that I feel comfortable with people visiting it, so don't spend too much time on that.
kyle Premium Plus
Nice work Scott!