About ClickChick
Joined May 2012
First off, my name is Michelle, I wish I had taken more time to choose a better user name, lol. Everyone assumes my name is scott and Im a guy. NOT SO! Im a girl, lol, so anyway onto the more important stuff;

I am a SAHM(Stay at Home mom) of 5 children. My oldest has recently been diagnosed with Autism (Asperger's), and I am very passionate about this subject.
I have a lot to say within different topics.
I love photography, it is one of my greatest passions, and I would love to learn how to share what I know, but also be able to make an income at home with my knowledge of Photography.

I am brand new to this kind of business, and I must say it seems a bit overwhelming right now, But Im a quick learner, especially if it interests me.

I imagine I will have a lot of Questions along the way :)
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Shawn Martin Premium
Glad to meet you! Wow, 5 little ones, cool!
Welcome aboard. A little late but better late than never
TJ Books Premium
Welcome, Scott! John
TheRichWoman Premium
I just saw your comments about the forum in the live feed. I'm pretty sure that you can get into the forum before the 10 days because I have received several private forum messages from newbies under the 10 day mark. I'll try to send you a PM.
ClickChick Premium
Great, thanks.