Posts by Will_W 2
September 30, 2010
 Alright here goes. So as far as everything goes, I'm lost in translation. I don't know what domain i want to start with. And I'm not even going to try to "represent wealthy affiliate" because everyone here is doing one. (Sorry to the admins bytheway, but I don't stand a chance hell of promoting your product right now and i've told like 70 friends and none of them want to pay $100.) And having only 1 week of online marketing experience, I could never even be found on google unless
September 29, 2010
after my failure at trying to make a site dedicated to promoting potpie girls method of oneweekmarketing, i find myself at a loss. Im so new here that it hurts, and sometimes its too much to comprehend. Here's my site My site Thats the link that i made. Any pointers on how i screwed up? im trying to understand keywords and all, and i keep just getting pointed into all of the wrong directions. Any help would be awesome right now, and thanks if you do :)