here goes

Last Update: September 29, 2010

after my failure at trying to make a site dedicated to promoting potpie girls method of oneweekmarketing, i find myself at a loss. Im so new here that it hurts, and sometimes its too much to comprehend. Here's my site My site

Thats the link that i made. Any pointers on how i screwed up? im trying to understand keywords and all, and i keep just getting pointed into all of the wrong directions. Any help would be awesome right now, and thanks if you do :)


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Will_W Premium
well now it 60,271in ranking and 468 in SEO lol
WRI Premium
Hi I'm Wes and a newbie myself, but I did notice one thing about your page it was ranked 1,900 in SEO and 119,280 overall because of that It most like got few if any views.
Personally, I thought it was well written If that's any consolation. Don't Give up !!!!