About Wine-Sage
Joined July 2012
I am a winemaker/author. I've spent more than thirty years working in the wine industry in the Napa Valley--about half of that as either winemaker or assistant winemaker. Over the years I've also managed to work as a Reporter, Photographer, Bartender, Sheet Metal Worker, Private Investigator, Cook, Taxi Driver--you name it.

My website address: http://www.brucebradley.webs.com

I'm new to this site--like one-hour new. I think that about says it all...
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ddglover Premium
Thank You for the follow, keep striving towards your dream the sky is the limit; WAU is a great place to be. I’m new here so like meet new people. Talk to you soon.

David Glover
Deezdz Premium
Hi there Wine-Sage. Welcome to WA! ~Denise
Goldenlady Premium
Hi Wine-Sage, I, too, am a writer, and I checked out the information on your books. I like your writing voice. It has such depth to it, and I love that name: Dark Rose, especially for a male character. But I didn't see an excerpt available for The Seeds of Darkness. I am also excited for you because once you learn about Article Marketing and the power of keyword searching, you should be able to use this knowledge to help promote your books. Thanks for following me; I'm following you also.
Glad you decided to join us, Wine-Sage! You will Love it here...everyone is very friendly and helpful!
Thanks! I'm definitely liking it so far!
PotPieGirl Premium
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate! I've been waiting for you to get here!

My name is Jennifer - also known as PotPieGirl here online.

I'm very excited for you as you begin your internet marketing journey to success!

There may be times that you will feel overwhelmed and/or confused. Rest assured, that is totally natural. You are taking charge of your future and that's a BIG deal - and something you should be very proud of.

Please be patient with yourself as you work through the training - and ask for help when you need it.

If you need any help, try these options:

1. Live Chat - On the right side of your main dashboard here in WA, there is an on-going stream of live chat discussions. Have a question? Just ask in the chat box.

And hey, don't be shy - say hello!

2. The Forum. WA has a GREAT forum! There is a wealth of info in the tons of existing posts - or you can start a new thread to ask your question.

3. Stop by my personal space here on WA and leave a message:


Don't forget to click the green button to "Follow Me" - that way we can keep up!

Also, down the LEFT side of your dashboard are 3 very important areas that you should make a point to read as soon as you join.

It's under 'Recommended Training' and the titles are:

-Warm Welcome
-Your First 10 Days
-Learn How WA Works

These will all be super helpful as you learn to navigate everything WA has to offer you.

As someone who started all this knowing NOTHING, I can tell you first-hand from 5+ years of experience that it is a jungle out "there" (outside the walls of Wealthy Affiliate).

Please know that when you are here INSIDE this exclusive community, that you are safe and have all you need to grow your online business to whatever level YOU choose.

I've been here in WA since July 2008 - joining Wealthy Affiliate was the BEST decision I've made. I feel sure you will realize the same as you learn and work to make YOUR dreams come true.

I wish you all the best and remember -

It's not how fast you get there - it's how long you stay.

To YOUR Success!


Thanks Jennifer! I'm sure you're aware that it was your site that brought me here. Thanks for all the good wishes!
PotPieGirl Premium
You're most welcome! Have fun in here =)