Posts by Wizozz 2
Today was a good day. I did all the tasks of days 3-4-5 of WA Article Marketing club. I used pomodoro technique, which is basically working in short focused bursts of 25 minutes. You can learn more about it here : I did all the tasks in 6 pomodoro sessions, which means around 3 hours of work time, and 4 hours including breaks. I feel I'm on a roll!  I hope I can catch up with everyone else soon, and go on with daily tasks as they come...  
Hi,  I'm writing this because I'm excited to be actually in a WA Club, taking action every day.  I know, I'm like 7-8 days behind most people on the WA Club, but I had overcome some obstacles. First, the WA Hosting did not work as expected and I have lost 3 days by waiting. Then I used my other hosting and set up the WordPress plugins  manually. Then one of my old friends visited Ankara, and I was away from computer for 3 days. Then had lost one more day to migraine (that happens