WA Article Marketing Club 2nd day completed.

Last Update: November 03, 2010


 I'm writing this because I'm excited to be actually in a WA Club, taking action every day. 

I know, I'm like 7-8 days behind most people on the WA Club, but I had overcome some obstacles. First, the WA Hosting did not work as expected and I have lost 3 days by waiting. Then I used my other hosting and set up the WordPress plugins  manually. Then one of my old friends visited Ankara, and I was away from computer for 3 days. Then had lost one more day to migraine (that happens 1-3 times a month).

 So I got a lot of catching up to do. So what? Lucky me, I'm unemployed, and nothing else to do but build my business online. So for the next few days, I'll be working double or triple days (doing the tasks of 2-3 days each time) to catch up.

And while I'm at it, I can also work 2-3 times more even after I catch up. I guess WA Club suggests we write and submit 50 articles, I could do 100-150. I'm already in the HAHD challenge of EzineArticles, so that would fit nicely...

I'll blog here every day to write about what I did, what I learned etc...

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