Thanks to Kyle and Carson for the Blog System

Last Update: June 07, 2010

Thanks for the Help with the Blog and Funnel system it certainly saved me a lot of heartache.

I had previously flirted with wordpress,but it gave me scrambled brains as did the thought of setting up an autoresponder with A.Weber.Now all that is a thing of the past I have set up the whole thing and it works a treat.

If you have not set the system up yet then you should do now.Ok it took me a day or so,but I am no expert on the computer.

Just a few tips..Check the spelling on the autoresponder letters and maybe a link or two does not connect.This I will sort soon,but it is working and now it's time to get it seen.The work continues.

I will be working on WA full time now as before I was trying to be in too many places and I was getting info overload.


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jatdebeaune Premium
I have a blog. Want to do another one with WordPress, so I'll follow your example with Blog and Funnel system. Man, I'm happy for all help, as much as possible! Thanks for the post. Here's some gold for you.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers for the new WA Blog & Funnel system!!