Social Media Marketing: Why FaceBook and Twitter aren’t working for you

Last Update: October 08, 2011

This is a draft. I'm thinking about making it into a tutorial. Comments welcome!

I’m sure almost everyone here is on Facebook, maybe even Twitter. But do you know why these social media tools are valuable?

Why do you use them? Do you broadcast news relevant to your product or website, or do you engage your audience? If someone tweets or leave a post on your FB—do you respond?

If not, you’re missing the point of social media. Start thinking of Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and similar sites as your local bar.  You would never sit down next to a stranger and rant about how great your awesome amazing company is without small talk now, would you? If you’re really nice, you may even buy your new acquaintance a drink as incentive to get to know you.

If you brag off the bat, and the listener doesn’t know you, most likely he or she will tune out. Maybe even disappear to the bathroom and never return.  However, if you engage your potential friend in interesting conversation, make him/her laugh,  you’re more likely to build a lasting relationship.

Before you can sell anything, you need to establish a bond with your potential client, customer and make him/her a friend. Friends listen. 

In order to maximize your presence on social media sites, think dialogue, not monologue.  Woo your potential clients and existing customers like it’s the first date.

How to get there?

First, just like the dating world, competition is fierce. You need to make yourself stand out.  If you’re just starting out, become an expert in your field. Say you’re promoting Wealthy Affiliate.  No one said it’s an easy sell, but you joined, so you know it’s worth it, right?

Why did you join? Really. Lay it out. Explain why it worked (and why it’s not 100% perfect) for you. For me it’s the personal touches like Carson replying to an “improve Wealthy Affiliate” suggestion on the forum. Or Jay’s response to my article on paypal fraud. And the key word tool. And the forum. And the WAbinars.  Or the sense of community, even if I’m not usually an active participant.

Become an expert in one aspect of Wealthy Affiliate’s offerings.  Maybe, the keyword research tool. Now, look for anyone online who has questions on Wealthy Affiliate or making money online or better yet, keyword research. Try Yahoo answers. Look at forums. Don’t try to sell anything. Simply answer people’s questions the on the first four or five visits. Don’t say that you’re an internet marketer. Just offer help.

Maybe on your fifth visit, leave your website. After you’ve established a reputation within the forum or with a member, offer them the mad marketing course.

Once you’ve established yourself as an expert, you can start talking about Wealthy Affiliate, or whatever product you’re trying to sell. But be honest. Talk about the bad before the good. Don’t sell because everyone hates sales pitches. No, “I used to be broke until I found…” or “Listen, Sam, I was where you are” or any crap like that.

 Even if it’s true.

Talk about your product like you’re talking to someone selling the same thing.

How to use Twitter and Facebook

Now that you’ve established friendships, invite your new friends to check out your Facebook and Twitter for more information on the topic(s) you discussed.

Remember, your Twitter and Facebook can be used as marketing tools—but don’t  build them that way.

Think of your social media tools as lounges. Make them inviting. Post original content. Feature interactive q&a’s relevant to the product you’re promoting. Link to hilarious and original YouTube content.   Offer solutions to problems.  Most important—listen to –and respond to your fans.

Even if it’s a negative Tweet or Facebook post—respond and try to resolve the issue.  In the IM world, it’s important to check scam listing sites frequently to make sure your site isn’t listed. If it is, respond on the scam board. Don’t be defensive, but explain if something is a misunderstanding and offer to resolve it any way you can.

Then,  write and link to it on your Facebook and Twitter.  We’ll call this damage control.

if you’re promoting Wealthy Affiliate,  read through forums and the tutorial request section. Create resources that answer commonly asked questions. For existing members of WA—maybe those you’ve sold to – offer up advice on how to navigate the site, or stay on track. More than a few members in the WA forum mentioned the tutorials are often overwhelming; they are resources within resources.

Maybe you create a clear 1st steps source without all of the linking. Advise newbies, before they join, that WA can seem overwhelming. So if they follow your plan—they will succeed.









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