About Worldwidewandering
Joined March 2010
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canimbill Premium
How are things going, fellow newbie? is it making sense?
canimbill Premium
I just finished lesson 6. I have been poking around with setting up websites, especially wordpress sites. I've looked at some affiliate tool for wordpress and want to purchase a theme that will help make a more automatic and good looking (natural) site. Got some work writing articles (10 of them) so that has been good practice. I am a good writer but have definitely avoided doing the five or 10 per site like i should. I'm sure the article market is going to collapse as a source of backlinks as there is just so much crap being written.
canimbill Premium
I just finished lesson 6. I have been poking around with setting up websites, especially wordpress sites. I've looked at some affiliate tool for wordpress and want to purchase a theme that will help make a more automatic and good looking (natural) site. Got some work writing articles (10 of them) so that has been good practice. I am a good writer but have definitely avoided doing the five or 10 per site like i should. I'm sure the article market is going to collapse as a source of backlinks as there is just so much crap being written.
Its going good so far. I'm just pouring through the lessons and resources. There is so much to learn and I'm just taking my time and doing everything in order, trying to soak it all in. I'm in lesson #5 right now. How has it been for you so far?
Ezinewriter Premium
Welcome to WA!
Hi Peeds, Nice to meet you. Yeah that sounds great. I've been to India and would love to go back someday. What part of India are you from? I'm ready to start learning. Its true we will probably learn some things the hard way but you're right. That's where the learning takes place.
Peedsbornagain Premium
Hi Eric .If you're ever wandering the world and you visit India .. let me know .. we could catch a beer :) how are u doin ... I m glad we joined WA now .. its such a great place to be here.. i m havin fun .. and gettin my feet wet here .. divin into WA .. its great .. I am Peeds.. nice to meet ya ..just joined WA as well and thought i d say hi to my fellow newbies... so HI :)
we should go together in this journey called WA... i m sure we ll make mistakes and lots of them .. but there in lies the fun .. to learn and keep goin on and havin fun .. cheers
My name is Eric. I just started with this program and am working on the first lesson. Feel free to add me to your buddy list.