About WRI
Joined September 2010
Hi my name is Wesley, but my friends call me Wes.

About Me

I'm a 50 year old who decided to make a major change in his life. After working for the "MAN" all my adult life and basically not getting anywhere.. I said enough of this.. when they decided it was time to close the plant where I worked.

I realized the only way I was ever going to be successful was to invest in myself !! It was never going to happen working my fingers to the bone to make someone else rich.

Now am I bitter about this? NO, in fact far from it ! You see, the closing of my plant was the final factor that motivated me to take control of my destiny and internet marketing is my chosen path.

Everyone has a time of personal realization and this was my time to take responsibly for my own well being!!.To no longer depend on the "MAN" to have my best interest at heart !!!

After choosing my course of action and sorting for weeks through the cornucopia of information available online, I was beginning to feel totally confused by the massive amount of useless crap (for lack of a better word) and "get rich" quick schemes that seemed to dominate the search engines. However, still determined to steer my own course, I did not give up.

It was then I found the Wealthy Affiliate and upon further research I chose to join. Because the Wealthy affiliate not only provides an awesome curriculum to help to make sense of the good information, but it also provides a step by step guideline for action, which is just what I was looking for.

Was this is going to be easy? NO! However, being determined and fully understanding success does not come overnight. I began realizing my goal to be making at least $5000 per month consistently, step by step, one success at a time.

It was then I knew I would jump the huddle of mediocrity and rise into true freedom. Does that make me special, NO, in fact If I can do it anyone can.

Yes, anyone can.

A little about my personal interests, likes and values:

I love the outdoors, camping, fishing, hunting, nature walks.. I'm not a survivalist in the purest form, yet I know enough I would not starve if it came right down to it,

I have a passion to help people where I am able.

I am a music lover, there are not many genera of music I don't enjoy, but I can say with certainty Hard core Rap is one I do not care for.

I am honest almost to a fault, and very passionate about being sincere.
I always do my best to honor my word.

Your WA buddy,

WRI's Accomplishments

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WRI Premium
Thanks, I looked over you recent blog entry and your invitation looks very interesting, Indeed it would be helpful to have the tuition for WA paid by income generated online as opposed to out of pocket. I was very interested in the way you proposed to help your recruits build their down line or at least get them started. It seems to me this is a ground floor opportunity, which means the potential for really long term gains are there as it grows, yes ?

Realistically what amount of time investment would this venture require to be really successful and how much I am looking to spend to build a solid down line?

I know you said it could be done for free but you also touched on up-selling and I realize as an affiliate that would be money in the bank if the affiliate link was used in a purchase.

I would really appreciate more information before I go and view the links you included in your blog, but know this you have my attention... :) Thanks Wes
Welcome to WA :-)
WRI Premium
Thanks :)
WRI Premium

HI, I'm glad you stopped bye. I hope you enjoyed viewing my WA space and would like to add me as a buddy. I am actively looking for buddies here at WA.. perhaps we will hit it off. In any case I'm glad to dropped in .

BTW your welcome here anytime,

WRI Premium

HI, I'm glad you stopped bye. I hope you enjoyed viewing my WA space and would like to ad me as a buddy. I am actively looking for buddies here at WA.. perhaps we will hit it off. In any case I'm glad to dropped in .

BTW your welcome here anytime,

WRI Premium
HI, I'm glad you stopped bye. I'm still working on my about me (sorry I don't have it up yet). One step at a time that's my motto . Anyhow once I get all my info up I will be looking for buddies. Perhaps we can be buddies on down the road...:)

Thanks again for stopping bye!

BTW ..your welcome anytime so feel free to drop in occasionally