To The Front

Last Update: April 28, 2011

Hey sometimes the way back is right now .....,


its alright ahh uhh huhh

what wa wa wa wa wa is it?

turn around. feel

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Yes! PsYcHeDeLiC!! I have had Pink Floyd in my collections since the mid 1970s...great stuff! At one point, I had every album from Pink Floyd all the way from Relics to "A Momentary Lapse of Reason." Today I have literally thousands of obscure psychedelic compositions! My music collection includes stuff from virtually every year back to the 5th century! That's the early middle ages all the way on up to 2010! It fills more than half of a 750 gig hard drive!
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comments away see why we cant see why we will

everyday nightshade sunlight rises
to love

to shine
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see light and green life
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David G 73 hair ahwwww word awesome... ahhh word ...find your heart set one life
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David G 73 hair ahwwww word awesome... ahhh word