ALERT Facebook/ Wi-Fi security issue

Last Update: November 03, 2010

I posted this to my Facebook page, but it think its something we all should be aware of. This article and attached video expose a critical weakness in Facebook security and how to protect yourself.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Just looked at the video. Wow! Someone just hacked one of my email addresses. It's OK now, but that was a shock. I like Firefox because they are security conscious.
jatdebeaune Premium
I have a Facebook account to placate my niece who likes it better than the telephone. I don't use it very much because I like the telephone better. So far haven't used Facebook to plug anything. Thanks for the security heads up.
Louise M. Premium
Glad I don't have Facebook. :)
Labman_1 Premium
Well, since I don't use Facebook or Twitter in public networks I'm not vulnerable but thanks for posting this information. It may save someone a problem if they know about it. I'm definitely going to download the HTTPS Everywhere addon to Firefox.