Beauty or Eye Sore

Last Update: December 11, 2010

It's a matter of perspective

Behold Earthship Phoenix

The first spec Earthship now a NM landmark and attraction.

BTW they need to fire that stuttering non showman narrator / real estate agent on this video

I am almost ashamed to post this video because of him, none the less, the home speaks for itself.

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WRI Premium
That's nice Joan. I wouldn't want livestock inside for sure. Some plant life would not bother me though. One thing about these homes they stress is in addition to being self sustaining is a very low carbon foot print. Almost zero. They claim a zero carbon foot print because it is so close to zero its insignificant. However because it has and needs windows it is not totally zero. In any case I would love to live off the grid be it on a farm like your niece has or a small earthship.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Wes, My niece has a farm in Vermont that is self sustaining. Solar energy and all the rest that makes one independent. The house is quite beautiful, combination very contemporary and Vermont farmhouse. So you really can have your cake and eat it too. All the farming is outdoors.
WRI Premium
I tend to agree with both of you on one level. The decor is rather gaudy. I think this being their first project, it was over the top in personal design. They do have more simplistic designs and actually one could build from custom plans. This home is by no means the norm. But living in a self sustaining home and breaking free from dependence on big oil and power may require a little sacrifice. Personally I will take efficiency and freedom over cosmetic appearance if hard pressed to choose.
jatdebeaune Premium
Well, I'm with Dusan. I like the self sustaining concept, but could never live in that place.
DABK Premium
Some people shouldn't be allowed to build houses or decorate them. DABK has spoken!