Call me Crazy

Last Update: October 01, 2010

Call me crazy for being a newbie wanting to promote WAU.

Being one, who as a child suffered from low self esteem, I used to shy away from a challenge. Even those that what would seem to some as fundamental and necessary caused me to cringe in fear and uncertainty. Now, I'm not going to go into my life's history, but suffice it to say, in most cases I was doomed before I even started. My lack of self confidence coupled with my fear of failure usually resulted in either inaction or half hearted attempts which yielded little if any positive outcomes.

That was then, this is now.

It took me years of reading self help books and gradually applying the principles to realize, challenges are life lessons and should be embraced with enthusiasm.

I am not certain exactly when this paradigm shift took place, however, the important thing to note is it did.

Taking the challenge to promote WAU as a newbie may seem fool hardy to many here and you may even wish to call me crazy. If so I can understand why.

The odds of successfully promoting WAU, and reaping the benefits from my effort are not in my favor. Even with all the tools and instructions offered by Kyle, Carson and  Marcus, I am still at a great disadvantage, especially as newbie.

With an average of five new people joining WAU everyday, and the 100's if not thousands of good folks already out there promoting WAU; it seems a daunting if not impossible task to  create a measurable level of success for myself.

In looking at the market place I see the following:

The info niche...saturated

The affiliate niche ...saturated

The work at home niche..... saturated

The Make money niche...saturated

And the list goes on, but you get my point. To top all that off  I would be competing  with seasoned marketers who dominate those niches, have built trust and developed a good list.

I will be starting from scratch, with no real success in IM under my belt .

Perhaps I am crazy, but I cant help but think with all the people in the world looking for new ways to make money, there has to be niches to draw people to the WAU opportunity that have not been tapped. Finding just one could be extremely lucrative.

Now besides the obvious, finding that one super niche, there are other reasons why I am taking the challenge to promote WAU.

One is education and experience, by promoting WAU I will be learning first hand exactly what is involved in setting up and running an online sales campaign. I can take what I learn there and apply it to other campaigns that will add to my knowledge base as well as create the beginnings of success, pulling me out of the newbie sand box.

The bottom line is this, we all must start somewhere when we decide to become an internet marketer. Being as green as I am, the support and tools available in the super affiliate program are necessary for me to trudge through the huge learning curve. Just accomplishing that alone is a colossal success in my book. So call me crazy, its OK, sometimes ya gotta be just a little crazy to act on a dream and make it a reality.




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WRI Premium
Louise M. Premium
you're crazy. lol. Go for it!
WRI Premium
Yep, it is all good though get the experience playing with the other toys.. so ya know what ya want to get for your own toy chest
Labman_1 Premium
I heartily agree. Yes there is a lot of competition. Yes there are many ways to promote things. YES, there is a starving market out there. Apparently we think alike. I started playing in the Sandbox last week. Everyone is sharing their toys but they all take them with them when they leave. Guess I'll have to get my own toys.