Five Key Ideas to Remember when Branding Yourself

Last Update: October 21, 2010

To help you excel,  I am sharing five key ideas to remember when branding yourself. As individuals we all posses our own priceless and unique qualities, and it is these qualities that will set you apart. As you explore these ideas you will begin to see just how much you have to offer.

1. Be yourself..

Being yourself means being relevant to what you KNOW, this is a broad category which COULD include learning. The point is to represent yourself with the quality wisdom and insight only you can share.

Don't Try to be Someone your Not

2. Discover your potential..

This is for you only. Never be afraid to try new things and share what you have learned. So what if you failed at your first attempt. Someone can gain knowledge from your experience if you have the heart and integrity to share it. Humility goes a long way.

True Wealth is Meant to be Shared

3. See the potential in others..

Opportunity comes in many forms, shapes and sizes, for the most part people all have something good to offer, strive to bring out those qualities.

Learn to Recognize Opportunity in Everything

4. Stand behind yourself..

Be honest, you are promoting yourself after all. It would be foolish to think anyone would take you seriously if you do not have integrity. Even if you do fool a few at first, eventually you will lose credibility if you do not provide service.

Be the Person Others Can Trust

5. Be willing to admit when you are wrong..

Be credible, true leaders realize they are human and make mistakes. Being willing to admit error removes the pit falls of ego and opens doorways into long lasting relationships built on trust.

Quality, integrity, knowledge, honesty, credibility

All five keys are all the ideal hallmarks of the most famous brands.

Shouldn't you be one among them?




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Fallulah Premium
This is great Wes, especially for my ponderings of the moment. It's straight to the heart of the matter and makes it easy to pull out worthy attributes to focus and build on, rather than always seeing negatives at the top of the list :) Another blog post for me to print out! Great stuff Wes and thanks for the buddy request - I'm delighted to accept!
jatdebeaune Premium
Yes Wes, you're right. It's so much easier to be an honest business person. Being a big fat fake phony takes work. It's fun to share what you know, especially when you also know that you've helped someone. They don't always tell you. I agree with all those famous brands out there, and want to be one of them.
famousplumber Premium

Well done! I am branding myself all over the internet as famousplumber. All of that includes "Quality, integrity, knowledge, honesty, credibility". So often "marketers" shove sales pages, OTO's and upsells in your face before so much as attempting to establish themselves as an expert or a person of integrity. "Buy my stuff"! That's so easy to see through!

Thank you for sharing,

Larry Stahl