How Bad Do You Want It ?

Last Update: September 29, 2010

Lets face it, the ugly truth, the bitter pill, the harsh reality, or what ever you may wish to call it: Anything worth having requires effort and sacrifice to achieve.

This should be a realization right out of the starting gate.

In order to be truly successful in internet marketing just like any other worth while business pursuit one must be willing to totally invest in self , become their own vested interest so to speak. The market place is tough, in any market place, from Wall Street to your street competition abounds.

If one approaches internet marketing with a mentality of " I'm gonna put up this page today and be rich tomorrow " failure is almost guaranteed. In fact they would have better luck playing the lottery. Why are there so many scams out there? Have you ever honestly addressed that question? If one really takes an objective look at that question the answer becomes obvious.

The truth is scams exist because that's what people ask for, believe it or not.

 SCREEEEEEEECH  ..... I know  I know.... We all hate scams, however those unscrupulous ones who scam people are telling their "willing victims" exactly what they want to hear, which in most cases is never the truth. This has been going on since the dawn of the market place. As ugly as it is, It is best just to realize that and steer clear. How many times have we heard, if it sounds to good to be true it most likely is? Be wise and learn from the mistakes of others. That adage has been around for ages and for good reason.

Realizing that ,the mind then is more keen to what is really required to be a success in internet marketing. The myth has been dispelled and a new door is opened.

This is where the rubber first meets the road,and one must then ask them self.. How bad do I really want it? How far am I willing to go the get it? What are my  advantages , (time, money, determination, ect). What am I willing to sacrifice? How patient am I? What are my limitations and how will I over come them? What are realistic goals? And many other questions I am sure you can think of. These are all extremely important questions, and the answers differ from person to person, as we all have different circumstances surrounding us.

This is why there is no one magic formula to IM success, However, If I were hard pressed to give one I would have to say this is it.




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WRI Premium
Many thanks Jamie, I'll cheers to that :)
WRI Premium
Thanks to you both. Sometimes I have to be my own motivator, but I am so glad it motivated you also Labman, Frets, I was thinking more along the lines of part of an email campaign, ya know a follow up letter, but the landing page idea is good also. :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers to your success, thanks for sharing your great blog!
Labman_1 Premium
Wow, my motivational for the day. Even though I got up early and have been productive all day so far this pumps me up.
Frets Premium

This would fit nicely on a landing page.