Jumping Through the Ezine Hoops

Last Update: December 13, 2010

I want to start of by saying thank you to everyone who has posted an Ezine tutorial here at WA. They have been a great help and are a wonderful resource

I only wish Ezine was as open as this community. So far I have submitted two articles, the first one went into problem status on final review. The second one is in initial stage pending editorial review.

Now, I am most happy to comply with Ezine in what ever the issue with my article may be, if they would only tell me what it is.

I have been waiting over a week for a reply so I can correct this.

I followed their guidelines I thought to a tee. And because of what I have learned here I know better than to resubmit the article until they contact me.

I sure don't want to make the Ezine gods angry. I just wish I  knew what hoops they want me to jump through. In the mean time I am trying to be an obedient student and wait, sit, heal and all those good things.

Anyone who has dealt with a similar situation please tell me how long it takes for Ezine to give their next command.

Thanks a bunch.


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WRI Premium
Dusan :). I'm safe in that Dept. My article was not even remotely related to either of those topics. Thanks for sharing your experience though.
DABK Premium
ezinearticles is in a war with affiliate marketers. They've started a clean up. Reason, they say about 90% of writers write crap.

I posted the links to a few of Ezinearticles' owner's posts in the thread below. They're going or have stopped accepting articles on some topics. The ones mentioned are acai berry and penis enlargement.
Too spammy.

WRI Premium
P.S. the only link was in my resource box to my home page. I also made sure that my blog had my name on it so they could see I was indeed the original author.
WRI Premium
Thanks I did those things... I included the article number code in my reply and I made sure the body jived with the promise in the title.. this is why I am still sitting here scathing my head.
Labman_1 Premium
There should have been a problem code when the article was rejected. They are sticklers for working links so check to make sure the links in your resource box are working. The next thing is to make sure your content in your article lives up to the promise in your introductory paragraph. Contact Sylvanie (Ezinewriter) send her the article and I bet you will have answer.