Learning from Mistakes

Last Update: December 15, 2010

One of the really great things about the blogs and forums here at WA is the vast amount of knowledge passed at the speed of light.

I see many people sharing their success secrets and helping folks along the way. Which is only one of the bright stars that separates WA from the competition( if you could really call it that).

What I am going to share here is something just a bit different. I am going to share a mistake I made.

Why would I do that? Because I don't want you to needlessly make the same one. The mistake I  made was a simple one and one that is easily avoided.

Learning from my mistake will literally save you weeks of waiting if your not an Ezine platinum author.

You may have written the perfect article and followed Ezines rules to the letter in your article and still run into a problem in the final review, btw pat yourself on the back for getting that far.

The guidelines to proper use of the resource box in Ezine leave a lot of room for error .

Keyword density got me. I had to many keywords in my resource box. I guess to Ezine it looked spammy.

Their response was it read too much like a list. I so modified it. I am expecting approval this go round.

Lesson.... don't get greedy with key words in the resource box. Keep it simple and to the point .

Avoiding this simple error will certainly help save time(weeks) for those who have not submitted to Ezine yet.

Remember " a smart person will learn form their own mistakes, but a wise one will learn from the mistakes of others."

Peace :)



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The one article you had went into Problem Status. Just be prepared that you may have another 25 to write after this batch. Just keep at it. I'm in my third batch now. To reach Platinum Status in EZA is indeed an honor! You write very well!
WRI Premium
Thanks Graig. It went live this morning. One down at least 9 more to go for platinum status.
Labman_1 Premium
Glad they finally got back to you.
magistudio Premium Plus
Great post Wes - thanks for sharing.