Page Up And Ranking What Next?

Last Update: November 28, 2010

Well I think I finally have my web site the way I want it. Thank god for cbnet  ping optimizer and Jay for pointing it out in the SEO  WAbinar, otherwise I think by this time the Google bot spiders would have surely pegged it as SPAM. LOL I can not even count how many updates and revisions I made. If you have not seen this must know WAbinar here is the link on Jay's Blog.

On a related note, I had a bit of a problem with my SEO and changed a permalink that had already been indexed oops, now I'm getting a 404 error for the content on that page. Funny  thing is the site pulls up...  just no content on the page? I am hoping in time that will fade off the search engines, because I have no way to retrieve or unindex it. At least that I am aware of. The only solution I had was to completely re work that page which I did so the site has not suffered.  Live and learn.

The entire site is still showing high ranking for my key words, but I have learned that a page #1 ranking does not guarantee traffic. I will need to really get working on my blog now and start getting articles out there. I have hesitated on article writing because I did not want to send traffic to a site I was not satisfied with. My rational was, if I would think it lacking so would anyone I sent there.

I had to reinstall a new tracking code for Google analytics as I was using the same code I have for my WA blog and funnel so I was getting false data. The analytics reports show that I have my code set correctly, but its been two days now and its still retrieving data but it's not showing me anything yet. I sure hope I don't have to delete it and put it in again. Even the plug in for analytics was not registered with Google, so I deactivated it.  I am waiting to see if that makes any difference. 

Please have a look at my site and let me know what you think. I could use the feed back .

Thanks a bunch and have a blessed day :)


P.S. I just checked my Google account, analytics is working now, so it appears the optimizer plug in is not suited for my theme. At any rate problem solved and lesson learned. :)


It never ceases to amaze me how just the willingness to ask a question as in this blog title, opens ones mind for the answers. A prime example of this is the backlink tutorials Steven Zero has provided for us.  They answer my question precisely. Thanks Steve, you aint no zero in my book.

Here's  the beginning if your interested

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