Practice Makes Perfect

Last Update: December 02, 2010

Being somewhat dyslexic writing quite often is a struggle for me. None the less, I trudge forward slowly but surely. I submitted my first article to Ezine today, a whopping 1098 words. I know that's a bit over the optimal 700, but I honestly needed that many words to round out the content. I can only hope it gets approved, I should know in 5 to 7 days. My fingers are crossed, having it approved will be a huge boost for me and great incentive to push harder. In the mean time I am starting on my second one this week.

Here's where I hope my writing will improve, umpteen proof reads, 4 drafts and over 8 hours in the making I finally arrived at a finished product I felt satisfied enough to submit. The factor where I am really going to need the most improvement is time, 8 hours when the standard is 25 minuets or less. I'm not going to be too hard on myself being I graduated HS in the late 70's and have not had college English courses. Still, I do hope that practice makes perfect and my writing speed picks up. Cause at my current rate it's going to take forever to get 10 to 25 articles submitted and I so want to have that platinum status.



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Wayne Hudler Premium
Over time you will develop a personal style and create your own basic format for article writing. That will help you to speed up.

I don't write articles "fast" either. You will get where the words flow much easier.

Don't fret too much about not having college English. Your articles should not be so formal but rather conversational. Your readers want info they can understand. They are not focused on perfect English. So relax a bit and just write easy to understand, info driven articles.
WRI Premium
Thanks for the encouragement Joan, I don't feel quite so slow now. That 8 hours was stretched over three days and I had to do some research as well. One good thing about that is I am learning more and more about emeralds, which I really need to know if I am going to market them with any effectiveness and professional confidence. :)
jatdebeaune Premium
The more you write the easier it get Wes. I spend much more time than the norm on articles too, especially when researching a topic. I feel that it is your reputation that is on the line, so fast is not always better. Unless it's off the top of your head, I don't know how people write a good article in 10-20 minutes. I like to leave an article for a couple days before submitting it and do a final edit.