Super Hungry High end Niche

Last Update: October 24, 2010

Hi fellow WAer's,

Last evening I took a look at Jay's niche video on the homepage again. I have been thinking about his technique for the past week. So, I said alright Wes, lets do this and see what we can come up with.

I made a pot of coffee and started digging. I followed his technique to the letter and came up with some really amazing results. Nine hours later( Yeah, it took some time) I have what I believe I can build a very powerful and lucrative campaign on.

Here's a brief overview of what I discovered.

I found what appears to be a super hungry high end niche that is perpetual rather than seasonal.

Five affiliate programs that pay between 8-12% on products ranging from $500 up wards to $10,000.

3 keyword phrases that pull in over 4000 searches a month each, with less than 400 sites quoted, with an average of 250 hits per keyword, an article power of 7 and above, with a PPC competition rate hovering around 7.5. Google's adwords keyword tool backed up the results in WA's keyword tool, so I felt I had found consistency.

Armed with this I jumped over to the Google and did a quick search again with the keyword phrase I chose to use for my URL and this is what I found on one page one results.


#1 PR 5/10 competition

#2 PR  3/10 competition

#3 PR  6/10  .org/info

#4 PR  4/10 .com/info/ hidden competition

#5 PR  3/10 competition

#6 PR  4/10 competition

#7 PR  3/10 competition

#8 PR  4/10 competition

#9 PR 2/10 Competition

#10 Wikipedia 

No competition over 5/10 on the PR, which I am assuming is beatable.

Sponsored ads battling it out < the page was literally  covered with them.

If I am reading this right a well planned professional SEO article marketing campaign using the blog and funnel technique could quite possibly rake in major bank, and dominate this hungry niche.

I did some math and found with a 1in 10 conversion rate at $200 commission per sale. I will have reached my goal of $5000 a month .

I know I like to think big, but why not, its not any harder than thinking small. Besides, if nothing else at least I will have leg two started on my IM table and ton more experience and knowledge under my belt.

Man, do I have a work load ahead of me  :)

Happy marketing,






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WRI Premium
I certainly will every step of the way, good bad and ugly. . Well (lol) maybe not the ugly, but ya know what I mean. The easy part is over now the real work begins :)
famousplumber Premium
Good show! Let us know how it goes.
WRI Premium
@Joan you bet :) I don't see any good reason not to if everything is truly relative. If it requires the same effort, attitude, expertise and demeanor promote a valuable service or product paying out $20 in commissions as it does to provide one that pays out $200 it only seems logical
@ Russel, you are right on target. It is going to take much effort and a considerable time investment to reach the first plateau, but imagine what rinse and repeat will be like on that level once it it realized.
erussell Premium
I agree, go for it. Aim big, but don't expect big results immediately.
jatdebeaune Premium
Go for it Wes!