Surviving the School of Hard Knocks

Last Update: March 11, 2011

I have always been one to learn through error. Some folks refer to that type learning as the school of hard knocks. While I can not deny it is often a difficult way to learn, I must qualify that the lessons learned in this school are not soon forgotten. Which is why, in my opinion, to a large degree they offset the blood sweat and tears involved in the process.

I came into the realm of internet marketing with my eyes wide open, knowing full well this path is not an easy one. Rather one that only the hardiest of souls survive and thrive in. I had read all about the many causalities that resulted from Google slaps, state tax laws, black hat marketing, etc. Even so I was not detoured.

I was determined to make it hell or high water.

I had recently been laid off my job and was angry at what I perceived was an unfair system. I had absolutely no idea where to begin this endeavor called internet marketing,  yet by the grace of God I found WA and began to apply myself. 

I managed to get  a web page up in less than a month and was and am still ranking very high for my keywords. However, I chose a niche in which it seems to takes years of dedication and effort to gain a real professional reputation within.

Now, I will be totally candid. I had no idea that was the case when I choose my niche. Reason? I did not research it deeply enough. Yes, I researched long tail keywords and SEO. That's why my page ranks high in the SEPR's still, but I fell short on the expected traffic and the demand for my product. From this I learned you can have a site in the number one spot on page one, however,  in some niches that makes little difference if your name is not known and respected.

So far my site has not made me one sale. It averages about 6 new views a day and about 125 click throughs a month, but zero in ROI. While I was on unemployment I really needed sales, or so I thought anyhow. Please don't misunderstand me I would love to have sales from that site and I know they are coming eventually. 

My point is things don't always work out the way we wish they would. 

This is where flexibility and a positive attitude really come in handy. I am in no way complaining, but the stress of feeling like if I did not make a sale soon, I would be a failure, began to take its toll on me and I began to experience somewhat of a mental burn out.

As I approached my last week of unemployment and I had not yet found suitable work and my web site was not delivering any ROI, I began to really feel the pressure. I had been seeking work yes, but my heart was not really in it and to top that off I was feeling the first stages of IM burn out.

Yet, as providence would have it at the very last minuet an opportunity opened. Much to the chagrin of my pride  I stepped back into the world of corporate employment. However, I did so with gratitude and in a better paying position than I had from my previous employer.

What does this mean for me, IM and my place in WA? Everything! The school of hard knocks has taught me some very valuable lessons, and WA has taught me to never give up. My finances are now coming back into order and although I will not have as much time to devote to IM, the time I do devote will be much more focused. 

The pressure of feeling like I have to have a sale will be relaxed. I also have a far greater understanding and respect for what it really takes to develop and grow a business.

The bottom line, Did I fail at IM? My answer is not at all, the only ones who fail are those who give up. Success comes through the willingness to learn adapt and apply what one has learned. In keeping with that practice along with a positive attitude one has already become successful and can only grow from there.

One final thought. What does this mean to any of you, especially new comers or those struggling to survive in a volatile IM market?

Strong will, dedication, patience and the correct knowledge make all the difference.

The WA community offers the knowledge and support one needs the rest is up to you. You will not only survive but thrive if you are completely willing to do whatever it takes ethically. 

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Wes, you have take the words out of my mouth here! I have written an entire book about the implications of employment and what it means to those who do not have passion in what they do in their jobs...wage slavery is what it amounts to...being trapped someplace you'd rather not be...knowing there are better things to strive for. In so many ways, you and I are alike. Your writing shows your wisdom in things most people haven't a clue about. It's very sad you are leaving us. Whatever your problem is with WA, well, perhaps you see something many of us don't see (i.e. WA is Compromised.) I realize there are the big guys in here, but that's the way it is. Don't cut your nose off in spite of your face. You are a great asset here...and the sales will follow in time. I'm in the same boat you are in Wes. Even if this place does have ulterior motives, or whatever, I see the sheer value of being here. As I friend, I wish you wouldn't throw this away, but if you must, it's your call. Your writing is others say about my own. Like someone said of me recently, when I was made, they threw away the mold. The same is with you. You have unprecedented value for the world and I know you won't underestimate that. Cheers, Daniel
Fallulah Premium
Great post Wes. I've not been around WA for months and months having needed to focus on a 'proper' job to get bills paid. I agree with you though. I don't feel I've failed with IM. I've just had to get a bit of balance between running up bills and paying them [lol]! And even though the billl paying job frustrates me and has occasionally reduced me to tears I'm thankful that I CAN pay bills now. And here I am again with will, dedication and all the patience in the world. I've also be pleasantly surprised to see the new WA features with excited eyes. Good Luck Wes, we're in a good place in more ways than one :)
Jenmuso Premium
Thanks for the candidness. Its encouraging for me to keep plugging away at IM, when I don't really feel like it at the moment because I have recently had a miscarriage and I just want to crawl in a hole. Thanks for reminding me that other people have very challenging circumstances and still get on with it. I'm not giving up. I'm not quitting.
Labman_1 Premium
Glad you are getting back on your feet my friend. I may need to jump back into the working world soon myself. Keep up the good work. The only ones who fail are those that choose to quit.
WRI Premium
I sincerely apologize for all the edits showing on the dash. I am dyslexic and wrote this blog entry spontaneously from my heart. I wish they did not show as they do, but I will make and effort to proof read more before I post .. Thanks for understanding Wes