The Perfect Potato Salad

Last Update: April 06, 2011

Are bland potatoes stealing the flavor out of your salad?

You may be using all the right ingredients but missing one key.

Lets face it potato salad is a major staple at any social function.

Do you want yours to stand out ...or just be left aside with rest of the heap?

Of course you don't... Make your salad stand out with this one simple secret.

Family passed down generations in secret... Now it can be yours.




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jatdebeaune Premium
We got it out of you Wes. My Mom was from Virginia and the family had their own style of doing everything, mostly southern style. They did the mayo version of potato salad with sweet pickles, scallion, celery, parsley and hard cooked eggs. Their secret was mix it together while the potatoes are warm. Now I'm hungry.
WRI Premium
I normally don't reveal tried and true recipe secretly... but I will make an exception this once.. the perfect potato salad... for every one lb of perfectly cooked potatoes marinate in 3 oz of Italian salad dressing for 12 hours... this will give the potato itself a zing to complement the other ingredients... Try this out at the next gathering of your friends and family or church potluck..... it is guaranteed to impress.
WRI Premium
Joan.... it just occurred to me that the picture on my profile sorta looks like I am displaying Yukon gold potatoes.. those are purple spored puff ball mushrooms another delicacy.
WRI Premium
LOL no it's not Yukon gold potatoes although that certainly would kick it up another notch.
jatdebeaune Premium
yukon gold.