What makes an Expert?

Last Update: October 20, 2010

Gimmicks only last so long, and the emotional roller coaster eventually slows down.

What if I told you, you are already an expert?

I am willing to bet you have areas of expertise  no one else possesses. That is what makes you priceless and unique !

Watch out for scams and get rich quick schemes.

What makes a "Scam" ?

Scam artists all have one thing in common, They tell you, you  are inadequate, and the only way to ease your (pain, need, or fear) is to buy their stuff.

They try to convince you with out them you will fail, they are masters of illusion. But did they ever take time to know YOU?

The fact is you may very well need help, we all do in certain areas.

There is a fine line between honest marketing and shamming.

An expert marketer will tell you where to look and show you how to get what you want. They take an interest in you, and want you to excel.

A scam artist will tell you everything you wish to hear, sweet music to your ears, and a huge dent in your wallet.

The expert marketer will see the expert in YOU, and reassure you in times you are unsure.

The scam artist will stress your need for them, the more unsure you become.

The expert will be around long after  the scammer is gone.

Yes it's battle for the mind is in the market place, and greed feeds on greed.

But "Wealth", all experts agree is something we all have and should posses.

As my mentor, friend and master marketer stresses,  If it sounds way to good to be true, beware.

Do the litmus test inside, temper those emotions with logic.

Be the expert you already are never being unwilling to learn, share and grow as you earn your place in this world.

You owe it to yourself !

Your WA Buddy,








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erussell Premium
So many of the "gurus" today are absolute junk. They tell you what you want to hear, tell you what to do, but don't teach you how to do it. I only trust people now who show what they do everyday in their business, whether it be through case studies, examples, or other means.
famousplumber Premium
Nice post, Wes. Well written and SO true! I unsubscribed to 95% of the garbage I was getting. The "new" thing is "here's your free download", which, of course, takes you straight to the fantastic sales page, followed by the amazing OTO, then the "premier" package. The sender took zero time making any attempt at getting to know me or my needs. Well done!
jatdebeaune Premium
The predators wear thin after a while. Once people get some self confidence, the scams don't work any more. Scam artists just try to feed on insecurities. You're right Wes. We are all experts at something.